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Preparing for Adulthood Pathways

For many of our learners at Soundwell, it was factors outside the academic curriculum that presented barriers to them accessing mainstream schools.  While we offer the same core subjects and access to qualifications as mainstream schools, our broader curriculum is built on the Preparing for Adulthood Pathways. If our students leave us with the necessary academic qualifications to progress to their next steps in education or employment but without the co-requisite social, communication and emotional skills, these next steps will not be a success. Preparing for Adulthood is a programme built on learning from previous transition programmes. From year 9, pupils should have targets relevant to the 4 pathways in their EHCPs. At Soundwell, we believe learners who achieve good outcomes in these pathways are well-equipped to become positive members of their local communities able to access employment and leisure opportunities. 

The Four Pathways at Soundwell:

  1. Employment, education and training

Pupils are supported to achieve Entry Level or Level 1/2 qualifications in up to five subjects at the end of KS4 to enable them to move on to their next steps towards employment. In KS4, pupils will be offered opportunities to visit different workplaces and college courses relevant to their interests. They are also able to take vocational qualifications in a range of subjects. From KS3 onwards, all classes run enterprise projects to enable pupils to develop the necessary skills to access work.

  1. Independent living

Life skills are built from KS2 onwards. Pupils are able to develop skills around independent travel on foot and public transport, handling money, making financial decisions and budgeting. Pupils learn basic house management skills such as food shopping, cleaning and laundry. All classes have access to the cooking room once a week for at least 3 terms of the year.

  1. Friends, relationships and community

Pupils are supported throughout the day during break times and also during SALT and social skills sessions to develop the skills they need to form positive relationships and friendships with their peers. Classes regularly access the local community as part of their learning and have opportunities to practise the skills they have developed to be able to access hobbies, clubs and other leisure opportunities according to their interests. It is our aim that all pupils leave us able to feel connected to, contributing to and valued by their local communities.

  1. Health

Pupils at Soundwell have daily opportunities to develop their physical and mental health. As well as PE lessons, every class has weekly outdoor education sessions and we have LFs and HLLFs additional to class staff with sports specialisms to lead 1:1 and small group interventions. The Zones of Regulation curriculum is embedded across the school during the daily morning wellbeing sessions and PSHE. Pupils are explicitly taught to understand how their emotions drive their behaviour along with strategies to help them learn to regulate themselves.