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Physical Education

All of our learners engage in 2 Physical Education (P.E) lessons a week. In classes up to Year 8, these lessons are taught by classroom teachers, delivering 1 lesson per week on a different sport or topic form the national curriculum ie. Invasion Games, with the second lesson focussed upon Health and Fitness, for example Circuit Training or Yoga. 

From Year 9 to 11, lessons are delivered by a specialist P.E teacher, with 1 lesson per week focusing on specific sports on a termly rotation and the second lesson with a focus of Health and Fitness, this is done by utilising our onsite Gym facility where students will learn about methods of training, and components of fitness. 

The purpose of the Health and Fitness being a spine to the PE curriculum is to allow learners to embed knowledge and understanding around healthy lifestyles, including exercise and nutrition, as well as building the foundations to our examination PE courses that we offer in KS4, these are iGCSE Physical Education & L1 BTEC Introduction to Sport.

Outside of lessons, learners are provided with lots of opportunities to engage in extracurricular sporting activities, including break and lunchtime activities including football and basketball, and PE related activities in our KS2 & 3 Wellbeing Wednesday, including Dance, PE Games and Rowing (facilitated by London Youth Rowing) as well as inter-school fixtures with other schools in the local area, these are offered at KS2, 3 & 4. 

Progress in PE is assessed by the teacher using an adapted MEinPE KPI Framework, where students are assessed using a holistic, whole-pupil approach rather than focusing specifically on the sports skill. Our areas of focus in the assessment framework are; PhysicalME, HealthyME, SocialME, AffectiveME & CognitiveME.